Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nothing You Could Ever Do....

We are gearing up for Vacation Bible School at church this week.  Boy, Mema loved it when we had VBS last summer!  She wasn't able to be there much but she wanted to know all about it.  The theme for this year is "God is WILD about you."  Basically, God loves you very much, and there isn't anything you could do to make him not love you.  Sounds like a theme Mema would have chosen.

As a matter of fact, it sounds like the theme by which she lived her life.  She wanted everyone to know that God loved them, but she didn't stop there.  She also wanted them to know that SHE loved them, no matter what!  Here is an example of how she showed this important lesson to me:

Before I was born, Mema made this Jenny Lind doll from a kit.  It was special to her because she didn't have a lot of toys and things from her childhood.  Most of them were lost, along with her younger brother Raymond, when their house burned down.  So, she had this simple little porcelain doll.  Guess who loved to play with the doll??? 

I loved that doll!  Mema would let me play with it.  I always remember one of the feet being broken.  I'm not sure if that was my doing or if it happened prior to my facination with it, but her little flaw made me love Jenny Lind that much more.  Of course, it wasn't long until I was carrying her through the house and knocked her good foot against the side of the door frame.  OOPS!  Sorry Mema!  I remember crying and insisting that Papa could fix it (after all, he can fix anything). 

Now I am sure that Mema had to have been a little frustrated with my carelessness, but she never let it show to me.  Jenny Lind was eventually sent off to the doll hospital where they switched her feet out for some that don't quite match the rest of her.  I remember the day she came back. Now, I probably would have put her away and not let her be played with anymore.  But that wasn't Mema's way.  She handed Jenny Lind back to me and told me to just be careful with her. (Later, Jenny even came to live with me at my house.)

A simple example.  Some might say that it is just an example of a spoiled-rotten kid.  Trust me, Mema would thank you very much for that assessment of me.  She worked hard to make sure I was good and spoiled!  But she didn't just treat me like that.  I don't care who you are, if Mema knew you, she loved you, and there is nothing you could ever do that would change that.  Some out there may disagree with me, but those people are just confused.  They don't get it.  Mema didn't have to like your actions to love you.  She didn't have to agree with you to love you.  It is the same way with God.  There are times when I do things that He doesn't like.  I have ideas and opinions that He doesn't agree with.  But he loves me anyway!  I may be careless, irresponsible, selfish...human...yet He gave His only Son to die for me.  There is nothing I could do to deserve that kind of love--and there is nothing I could ever do to change it.  I just need to accept it!  I'm a spoiled-rotten child of The King.  Are you?


  1. Beautiful. I so love it that she didn't withhold Jenny Lind based on your accident. What Mema obviously understood and demonstrated is that precious things SHOULD be held, enjoyed, and loved. Sometimes, being kept somewhere "safe" (in spite of the best intentions) negates the "value" of something, because it denies both the "object" and the "potentially harmful user" to fully experience the love and joy that both are designed for. Mema was quite the Sage.

  2. Calamity Jyl, you are so right. She was a sage, and I think I have only just begun to unlock the wisdom she imparted to me. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Agape love, such a great lesson for all of us. Thanks for sharing. --Jennifer

  4. I remember this incident well! She never got angry about it and wanted you to have that doll because you loved it so much! She just took it in stride along with all of the other disappointments in her life, which were many! Mom never judged people even when she disagreed with their actions. She had an uncanny ability to forgive! I am so glad you are doing this Amy! This is really helping me to remeber all the wonderful atributes of her life that she shared with us!!--Sharon

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